
Saturday, May 28

I'm grateful for {encouragement from the young}

Siblings are a complex and ever evolving relationship.  From the days when you bring home "another" baby and get that reaction from your first born (or more!)  the bond that develops between them is such a joy (most times) to watch.

joining in with Maxabella Loves on this day to be grateful....

Today I'm grateful for...

1.  The little one's courage - from day one, my youngest has been feisty and independant.  I think from a very early age, she realised she needed to stand up to be heard!

2. The little's one's encouragement -  Often my youngest is the leader, not my eldest. Above is a picture of her on a quad bike.  At first my son did't want to go for a ride (he's naturally apprehensive), but as soon as he saw how much fun his little sister had, he was right to go!  

3.  The little one as teacher - she teaches all of us so much, especially her brother.  it's just lovely.

Happy grateful day!

Join in on all the fun here! 


  1. it is so lovely watching siblings enjoy each other and learn from one another!

  2. How gorgeous is she and determined.

    You are obviously doing a great job raising her :)

    I love your blog , it's so cheery and crafty.

  3. sounds just like my two Brenda! Nice to find your blog too :)

  4. My oldest two are the same - my older boy is quite timid and a bit shy and anxious, while his younger sister is raring to go. They have always been like that. I love that it's our girls who are fearless and I suspect that's a lot more common than we think!! x

  5. Finally!!! I've been wanting to post comments but doing it at home cuts my internet almost immediately. So strange. I thought I should revisit your blog in the office and voila, I got through. Anyways, I just want to say that I always, always enjoy your blog posts. Thanks for sharing.



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