
Friday, April 29

after 7 years....I left.

For the past seven years I've been to the same hairdresser.  Nick. A male hairdresser.

He was nice.  He made my hair look nice and every three months we would chat, laugh and I would leave swishing my hair feeling good.

But. Then it was over.

I left.  It was me. He stopped listening and I just felt that I had to move on.  Part of me feels bad.  I didn't even tell him.  I've just never been back.

So now I found me a new one.  And she's a she.  Maree - she rocks. She listens.  We have plans.  Nice ones.  I'm wondering if having a male hairdresser was my issue all along.  I mean, my male hairdresser was bald? that like a vegetarian cooking a barbeque full of chops and snags? I dunno.

Have you had to break it off with a Special Professional in your life?  How did you do it? Was it mutual, did you leave a note?

Do you think some professionals like hairdressers have an expiry date or are you still soldering on in a great relationship??

or did you walk away and never look back (like me)? 



  1. I can't say I've ever had a 'Special Professional' in my life. It sounds rather... intimate... can't wait to see the new hair. x

  2. It's so hard to find a good hairdresser! I'd found a great one & went to her for bout 10years, thn se retired! I floundered around with bad hairdressers from hairdressers that didn't listen until finally, I found him! a bald hairdesser, Damien. He was right under my nose the whole time - we've been friends for years!My husband & I went to highschool with him! My husband goes to him too - but the three of us still find the hairwashing weird - so now he gets one of the other hairdressers to do that! haha! xx

  3. Oh yes, I'm a leave and never look back kinda girl. Must be my fear of confrontation. My last hairdresser was THE best but she up and moved to England...selfish girl!!! Starting over is hard after a great one. Bet your hair look fab! :) x x

  4. I don't have a special "one", I go to a hairdressing academy & it's always someone different but they are always fresh faced & eager to please.
    I need to go really soon..way overdue.
    looking forward to seeing your new do this week.
    happy love filled mamas day gorgeous ♥


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